This prevents the changes from showing up in views unless the view index is completely rebuilt ( press Shift+ F9), and it also causes replication of updates to local replicas to fail. 除非完全重建视图索引(按Shift+F9),否则这样将阻止变更出现在视图中,而且还会导致将更新复制到本地副本的操作失败。
Solr also provides a master-slave index replication mechanism to allow query load to be distributed in a large-scale environment. Solr还提供了主-从索引复制机制,以便在大规模的应用中分散查询负载。
Better support for large index replication. 更好的支持大索引的复制。
An Empirical Study on Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 Index Optimum Replication: Based on the Perspective of Experimental Simulation about the Positive Arbitrage of Index Futures 沪深300指数优化复制方法的实证研究&基于股指期货的正向套利实验模拟视角
HBV DNA is an important index for HBV replication and infectivity. 病毒DNA是乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)复制和传染的重要标志。
Index; Investigation of relation among indicators of hepatitis B virus replication HBV复制指标之间相互关系的探讨
This paper presents a new tree structure& DPB~+-Tree, which is fit for index replication. Then we research the index replication strategy based on DPB~+-Tree. 本文提出一种适合于索引复制的树结构&DPB~+-Tree,在此基础上研究了相关的索引复制策略,其中副本复制原则考虑了更新/检索比、节点机负载和可靠性需求;
Conclusion Pre-S_1 antigen is a good index to reflect the replication and contagion of HBV. 结论前S1抗原为一个反映HBV复制和传染性的良好指标。
According to the point of systematic risk control, the optimal tracking portfolio was constructed. A comparison was made among index funds constructed by stratified sampling replication, full one and optimized one. 为此从系统风险控制的角度构造优化跟踪组合,比较了分层抽样复制法、完全复制法和优化复制法构造的指数基金的实际跟踪效果。
Conclusions Pre-S1 is a credible index of HBV replication, and may be of help for HBV markers in detecting. 结论前S1是HBV复制的可靠指标,与乙肝标志物联合检测可相互补充。
Conclusion The HBV-DNA level in serum is a essential index for evaluating replication condition of HBV in hepatitis patients. HBeAg is highly correlated with HBV-DNA. The ALT levels in patients positive for HBeAg and HBV-DNA are far higher than the negatives. 结论乙肝患者血清中HBV-DNA水平是评定HBV于其中复制状态的一个重要指标,HBeAg与HBV-DNA的存在有高度相关性,HBeAg与HBV-DNA阳性患者的ALT升高程度及百分率远远高于阴性患者。
In studying of index replication strategy, we considered the principle of copies duplicating that include the update/ search ratio, machine load and reliability. 在索引复制策略的研究中,首先考虑了副本复制的原则,其包括更新/检索比、节点机负载和可靠性需求。
Conclusion: Pre-S_1Ag can be used as the index of estimation of infection, infectivity, replication of HBV and the early diagnosis. 结论:乙肝病毒pre-S1Ag蛋白可作为判断乙肝病毒感染、传染性、复制、肝细胞损伤的指标,亦可作为早期诊断指标。
The choice of index tracking portfolio replication approaches is important to index fund management. 对指数跟踪组合复制方法进行选择是指数基金管理中的一个重要问题。
Stock or portfolio liquidity is much critical in the index optimization, for it directly relates to the impact cost of ( portfolio) adjustments, and may result in index replication failure under the market depth deficiency. 个股及组合整体的流动性问题在指数复制中至关重要,其直接关系到组合调整时的市场冲击成本问题,在市场深度不足的情况下低流动性甚至还可能导致指数复制的失败。
HBcAb was regarded as the primary screening index of HBV replication. HBcAb仅仅可作为HBV复制的初筛指标。
The empirical study about Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index 100 show that, the performance of stratified sampling replication is the best; 针对深证100指数的研究结果表明:采用分层抽样复制方法的指数跟踪业绩最好;
Index replication is an important approach that provides parallel and improves usability of distributed parallel database. 索引复制是分布并行数据库提供并行性和提高可用性的一个重要手段。
By using different replication methods, the authors test and compare the corresponding tracking errors, and then provide the general criterion for index replication methods under different circumstances. 通过对国内现有指数基金的系统梳理,对采用不同复制方法所导致的跟踪误差进行了实证检验和比较;并针对国内证券市场状况,提出了对不同情形采用不同复制方法的一般判断。
We have to investigate in index replication because the spot-future arbitrage has to buy or sell spot portfolios. 期现套利要买卖现货,这就提出了指数复制的问题。
We can generally classify the index investment methods into three categories: full replication, optimized sampling, and sampling replication. 一般地,指数化构造方法分为完全复制法、优化复制法和抽样复制法三类。
During future-spot arbitrage analysis, two different types of index replication method including industry stratified sampling and ETF portfolio replication are investigated. 在期现套利研究中,分析了行业分层抽样和ETF基金组合这两种现货指数复制策略。
In order to reduce the traffic load and improve the availability of the sharing resources in unstructured P2P networks, a caching scheme combining alternative index and adaptive replication ( AIAR) is presented. 为了减少查询产生的网络流量,提高共享资源的可靠性和有效性,提出了一种非结构化环境下交替索引和自适应副本相结合的资源缓存策略&AIAR。
Index information replication technology makes use of copying index information table instead of copying the resource object itself; so that resource can reduce the storage space occupied by data and can be applied to the hierarchical P2P networks. 索引信息复制技术用复制资源对象的索引信息表来代替复制资源对象本身,使资源占用的存储空间减少且适用于层次式P2P网络结构。
Focused on the problem that the data related to replication technology of existing discovery mechanism not only occupies large storage space, but also inapplicable for hierarchical structure, this paper put forward a resource discovery mechanism based on the local index information replication technology. 针对现有资源发现机制中复制技术引起的数据占用存储空间大且不适用于层次式网络结构的问题,提出了基于本地索引信息复制技术的资源发现机制。